What: SAGAG Annual Meeting
When: May 24, 2012 6:30 PM -08:30 PM
Where: Absolutley Everything Catering (AEC)
7:00pm General Meeting to included:
• Election of officers - This will be my last official meeting as President of SAGAG. I have enjoyed serving in this role for the last three years and look forward to seeing the direction new leadership will move our organization. Tonight's meeting will be the members’ opportunity to elect a new board of officers. This is always an important part of our duties as members. I encourage all SAGAG members to participate.
• Volunteer Award Nominations and Voting - In 2011 SAGAG created a Volunteer aware to acknowledge, encourage and retain those members who contribute their time and energies to the guild. Nominations are accepted from our general members and must be turned in prior to tonight’s meeting at 7:00pm. All nominees will be acknowledged and the guild will vote for one to be awarded a paid membership for the upcoming year.
• Membership Renewal - To encourage timely renewal members are encouraged to pay membership dues by check or cash during this evening meeting. Those who renew tonight will be entered into a drawing for a free membership. One lucky winner will be returned their membership fee.
• Program Announcements - This will be your chance to be the first to hear what the SAGAG meets will be for the first have of the 2012-13 fiscal year. Exciting stuff coming...
• Show and Tell - To add to all the festivities we are creating the opportunities for members to bring a piece of work and show us what you've been up to this past year. This is a great way to share with friends, get ideas and ask for feedback from your peers.
Hope to see you there.