Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Spanish/English Flash Card

Print from a linolium carving

My mother gave me a valuable gift when she decided she was going to not just encourage but require me to speak Spanish at home. In a family where Spanish was the first language of both my parents, it was a natural and easy skill for me to acquire. Her true dedication and discipline became evident when she decided I needed to learn to read and write in Spanish as well. So in the evenings and on summer vacations my mother would sit me down to learn the alphabet phonetically, review flash cards and read books aloud. At the time I thought it was a cruel type of punishment. Now I see it for the priceless gift it was. Quality time alone with my mother, the opportunity to connect with family and friends old and new, and a wider/deeper perspective on the world we are all part of what I found in those flash cards.
Mi mama me dio un regalo valioso cuando decido a requerir me que hable español en el casa. En una familia donde la primera idioma de mis padres era español, era una habilidad natural y fácil aprended español. Su esmero y disciplina llegaron a ser evidentes cuando ella decido que también necesitaba aprender a leer y escribir en español. Por las tardes y las vacaciones del verano mi mama se centava con migo para enseñad me el alfabeto fonético, trabajar con tarjetas de destello y leyó libros en voz alta. En esos tempos yo pensé que era un castigo. Ahora lo veo para el regalo que era. El tiempo de calidad solamente con mi mama, la oportunidad poded hablad con familia y amigos viejos y nuevos, y una perspectiva más amplia/más profunda del mundo eran toda parte de lo que encontré en esas tarjetas.


thedoodlegirl said...

oooh, fantastic!!

Unknown said...

Sweet. Tho' I could only comprehend the first paragraph.

Nicole V Lozano said...

The second paragraph is simply a Spanish translation of the first. In honor of my mother's hard work I thought I should make the effort to practice.